First of all, I believe that being a nature photographer is a privilege. In nature every plant, tree, flower, insect, every single living organism “fits”. From the microscopic through to the largest mammal, all have a purpose. Every organism has a reason for “being.” This is the world that makes sense to me. It is a world I can appreciate for all its beauty. A world that for some reason makes me feel “whole.”
I started as a field guide many years ago. Why did I want to become a guide? This was the first question my soon to become employer asked me. The answer was simple…. For me to become the best person I can be, I need to be out in nature.
It was, and always will be, that simple.
Wild Artistic is not about taking photographs. It is about appreciating everything in nature, a celebration of our natural world. At least to me, it is. I may not be the greatest nature photographer out there, but I am right up there with the most passionate.
I was born in France and raised in Africa. As a result, I have been exposed to the intricacies and beauty of the natural world from an early age. As a photographer, I have had the privilege to work in some of the most beautiful wilderness locations in Africa. When surrounded by beauty, inspiration is never in short supply.
My wife and I lived with a zebra named Gilbert. We also shared a bed with a troop of banded mongoose. We raised a trio of warthogs, a pair of ostriches, and a host of birds and reptiles over the years.
These days we call Australia home. Carolyn and I share a home in the remote region of Tasmania’s Diddleum Plains along with our six dogs and eight cats
My love of nature has also landed me in hot water on a few occasions. Most notably the time a black mamba bit me while trying to remove it from someone’s home. I was rushed to a hospital and treated with anti-venom.
Fortunately, both the Mamba and I survived to tell the story. Two days later, I was able to relocate the snake back to the bush where it belonged. Throw a few elephant, lion, and hippo charges in for good measure and you realise what an incredible life a wildlife photographer gets to experience.
Couldn’t have chosen a worse time of year to undertake the journey. We had torrential rain, snow, cold, and 120km/h winds to contend with
Dave took this photo on one of only six days where the sun decided to make a brief appearance. The fact that it was that tough made it all the more memorable, although I must confess I uttered a few choice words on more than one occasion.
After a long day’s ride, time to chill.